Saturday, November 12, 2011

November 14 - November 18

World History - 8

Monday: 4.4 "The Age of Percicles" (pages 138-146)
Daily Objective: Under the leadership of Perciles, Athens became a powerful city-state and culture blossomed.
Due: Themistocles worksheet, Movie Extra Credit
Class: Small Group Venn Activity on Direct/Representative Democracy, Read and Discuss "Daily Life in Athens" on page 142 and 143, Peloponnesian War Read and Class Notes
Homework: Finish blue 4.4 worksheet,  Read pages 154-155 and 162-163

Tuesday: 5.1- "The Culture of Ancient Greece" (pages 154-163)
Daily Objective: Describe the important Greek developments in the arts
Due: Finish blue 4.4 worksheet
Class: Flash quiz Pericles and Peloponnesian War, Discuss Greek Mythology, Religious Ritural in the US, Discuss Greek Art/Architecture, Now and Then Parthonon Tranparency. Explain Greek Contributor Small Group Activity and pick person.
Homework: Find info and pictures on Greek Contributor (can work on in computers)

Daily Objective: Discuss the major Greek contributors to the arts, philosophy, history, mathmatices, science, and astronomy.
Due: Greek contributors
Class: Work on Greek Contributors Posters, Present to Class

Friday: NO SCHOOL...Enjoy the Weekend!

American History - 7

Monday: NO CLASS- early release due to conferences in Nett Lake
*4th hour has some class, we will finish notes, review section, and organize chapter 4 work

Tuesday: Chapter 4 Review Bingo

Thursday: Chapter 4 Test

Friday: NO SCHOOL...Enjoy the Weekend!

Computer Applications- 8

30 minutes of typing (Keyboarding Lessons 11-14)
Posture Rubric (teacher)
Typing Test (, Rules of Baseball)
Portal- check grades
Googledocs Account (create google account)
Share Document with Classmate
Research Greek Contributor
Excel Lesson