Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 21- November 22

World History-8

Monday: 5.3 "Alexander the Great"
Objective: Understand how Alexander the Great created an empire
Due: Contributor's Poster (some finished in class on Thrusday)
Class: Finish contributors presentations, Intro video to 5.3, Read and worksheet 5.3, Discuss

Tuesday: 5.4 "The Spread of Greek Culture"
Objective: Describe how Hellenistic kingdoms became centers of learning and culture.
Class: Intro video to 5.4 Read and discuss 183 and 184, Discuss Epicureanism and Stoicism and make list of people they know who fall into each category.

Thursday: NO SCHOOL


American History-7

Monday: 5.1 "English Settlers in Virginia"
Objective: Learn how investors raised money to start colonies in North American and what problems the colonists at Jamestown faced.
Due: "A Colonial Household" extra credit
Class: Discuss Roanoke Island, Discuss joint-stock companies, watch "Discovering Jamestown: The Powhatan Indians" video, watch "Discovering Jamestown: The Voyage to Virginia, Discuss problems that Jamestown faced and the growth of Jamestown, watch "Discovering Jamestown: Legacy" Complete worksheet while watching video and discussing
video link:

Tuesday: 5.2- "Pilgrims Found Plymouth Colony"
Objective: Learn why the Pilgrims wanted to leave England, why they signed the Mayflower compact, and how Native Americans helped the colonists at Plymouth
Class: Read and Discuss 5.2 and the Thanksgiving story (, Answer the questions on the worksheet
Homework: "Anne Hutchison" extra credit reading and questions

Thursday: NO SCHOOL


Computer Application-8

Wednesday: *computer lab in down, students will be using the school Ipads
Ipad Usage (basic settings, video, apps, app store, apps list, Isync movies)

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