Friday, April 20, 2012

April 23 - April 27

World History 8

Chapter 12- "China in the Middle Ages"
Monday: 12.1- "China Reunites" and 12.2 - "Chinese Society"
12.3-"The Mongols in China" and 12.4- "The Ming Dynasty"
Objective: Discuss how Chinese rulers brought peace and order and how the major beliefs made and impact. Discuss how farming and trade brought wealth and pushed for new technology. Discuss how the Mongols built a vast empire and how the Ming Dynasty brought peace and prosperity
Class: Group discussion, presentation, and organizer activity

Tuesday: Chapter 12 Review
Due: Organizer
Class: Medieval China Review Rap, Chapter 12 review, Chapter 12 quiz

Chapter 13-Medieval Africa
Wednesday: 13.1- "The Rise of African Civilizations", 13.2-"Africa's Government and Religion", 13.3-"African Society and Culture"
Objective: Explain how geography and trade shaped the growth of African civilization in African south of the Sahara, Describe the government and religions that influenced life in medieval Africa, Discuss how the Bantu migrations shaped African cultures and how the African slave trade disrupted those cultures.
Class: Group discussion, presentation, and activity

Friday: Chapter 12 Review
Due: Activity
Class: Chapter 13 review, Medieval Africa Review Rap, Chapter 13 quiz

American History 7

Chapter 14 Manifest Destiny
Monday: 14.1 - "The Oregon Country" and Objective: Learn what nations had conflicting claims to the Oregon Country and how traders and trappers paved the way for western expansion.
Due: page 439 extra credit
Class: Review Chapter 13, show last week video clips, 14.1, Oregon Trail presentation

Tuesday:  14.2 "Texas Independence"
Objective: Learn how Texas won its Independence from Mexico
Due: Activity
Class: 14.2 notes, Texas Independence presentation, Alamo, Alamo-deconstructed

Thursday: 14.3 -"War with Mexico"
Objective: Learn how the Mexican War began and why some American opposed the war and How the U.S. obtained New Mexico and California
Class: 14.3 notes, Mexican -American War presentation, Rio-Grande

Friday: 14.4- "Spanning a Continent"
Objective: Learn why the Mormons settled in what is now Utah and how California's population boomed in 1849.
Class: 14.4 notes, Gold Rush presentation, Triggers the Gold Rush

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